It's been a VERY long time since I did an outfit post. I have been so frustrated with losing all my past blog posts (due to a random hosting error) that I didn't have the motivation to make new ones. I'm over it now though, so expect lots more over the summer months. The last photo was taken as I ran away freezing cold, this outfit might have been a little too skimpy for March.
This was shot at Point Pleasant Park in Halifax. It's a gorgeous park and if you're a Haligonian and haven't been there before, you really need to. I was surprised to hear a lot of my friends haven't been. I really love this outfit, the bright blue denim makes the crisp white of the frilly crop to stand out. You can find each of these items in basically any store currently, but I'll have where I got them listed and linked below. Demi button ups, frilly crop tops that are off the shoulder, and black lace-up flats are literally in every shop from Garage to Aritzia and Forever21 to Club Monaco. These trends are carrying over strong from last spring and I'm glad they're back this year (as I may have bought too many items like this last season).